You Should KnowGiving doesn’t have to be a difficult thing.
By Credit Card
Visit our secure contribution page, provided by ActBlue. Donate Here
By Personal Check
Please make checks out to “Dossett for Senate 2020”
Mail to: Jo Anna Dossett for Senate 2020, 1632 S Evanston Ave, Tulsa, OK 74104By Cash
Please do not mail cash. Contributor information is required and cash cannot be accepted over $100.
Two, ThreeGetting involved is as easy.

Step 1: Fund
Your dollars, in large amounts or small, are driving this campaign. To keep Jo Anna’s message on the doorsteps of District 35 voters, your financial contributions are essential.

Step 2: Help
Experienced canvasser? Never knocked a door? No matter! Everyone is welcomed and needed! Jo Anna or another team member will equip you with what you need to get out the vote in District 35!

Step 3: Repeat
An individual may donate up to $2700 per election cycle, and there is no limit on the amount of time you can spend volunteering! To keep this campaign running, your multiple donations, and your repeated trips out into the neighborhoods of District 35, are vital!